Having grown up with my brother, I’ve been introduced to practically all the game consoles that have ever existed. From the original Nintendo and Playstation consoles all the way up to the more modern Xbox 360 and GameCube consoles, I’ve experienced them all. With the advancement of technology, gaming industries continue to upgrade their systems and experiment with features such as size and capability, as evident with the Game Boy and Nintendo DS; but it doesn’t stop there. Each year, this market continues to awe us by pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity. It is an industry that clearly understands what its consumers want and need, and it is able to address these factors through constant experimentation and improvement. By far, the most impressive and innovative gaming console to have been introduced is the Nintendo Wii, which is the topic I would like to address in my research paper.
It is without a doubt that the gaming industry is mainly geared towards the younger, male population. Most of my girl friends hardly ever play video games and only a handful of them actually own a game console. It’s not difficult to see that the concept of video gaming doesn’t appeal to this population as much as it does to their counterparts. However, I’ve noticed that females have been especially receptive to the Nintendo Wii and many have even purchased their own console. Another interesting find was during my office visit of a potential employer when saw the placement of a Nintendo Wii in the break room, which suggests that this console is also popular among the older and working population. Instantly, the questions popped into my head:
- What exactly about this invention makes it so different as to break through the standard?
- What features are the most appealing to consumers—the innovation, the interactiveness, the hands-on technology, the promotion of fitness, the collection of games?
- What does the Wii represent to consumers?
- Does it represent different things to different people?
- Is it less popular among the younger, male population than for other populations?
- How does the standard gaming population view this innovation?
- Is it still considered a video game console or does it belong in a market of its own?
- What unique experience does it provide to consumers? Basically, what is the Nintendo Wii experience?
I want to explore the total customer experience for the Nintendo Wii, from the idea of the Wii-mote to the games specifically tailored for the console. There must be something about this console that makes it special enough to tap into populations that are usually not targeted in this industry. I feel that this concept is especially interesting because it has been able to attract such a diverse group of people.
I also wonder—if this should happen to be just a short-term phenomenon--how long this frenzy is going to last. Concerns with childhood obesity and lack of fitness education are prominent in our modern-day society, which paves the way for innovations such as the Wii to thrive. But will America be concerned with these problems forever? Moreover, with the recent introductions of the Xbox Kinect and Sony Move—consoles centered on the same concept—the Wii could be facing huge threats. Considering these competitors is an invitation for further questions: could the introduction of too many similar consoles ruin the appeal for the Wii; was the Wii’s appeal solely attributed to being the first of its kind; what efforts can Nintendo make to protect its product and maintain its popularity? In order to answer these questions, I need to delve deeper and explore what the real appeal is behind the Wii.
This topic came to mind as I was reading an article on integrating technology with health. I am a big proponent of fitness and am really interested in learning about the role new innovations can play in improving people’s health. I think it’s a great idea to utilize the available technology to improve upon various aspects of society, especially with health being at the forefront our nation’s concerns. The Wii has stood out to me as one of the most creative ways to integrate fitness into a form of entertainment. Moreover, it also serves as an inspiration for people to lead healthier and more active lifestyles. Building upon this aspect, I would like to also explore what the future is for the Nintendo Wii. What other opportunities are available for this type of technology? How can we use this concept to address other problems? How can we move forward with this innovation? In a paper entitled Evaluating the Potential of the Nintendo Wii to Support Disabled Students in Education, research was conducted to determine the potential of the Wii to support learners with disabilities. Since the Nintendo Wii provides a more intuitive and realistic means of control and interaction, researchers found that it has large potential in an educational context, for instance, in the development of collaboration, communication and coordination. In another study, research found that the Wii has the ability to alleviate elderly depression as patients in hospitals and elder-care facilities use the console to "exergame". As stated in the Article, "many saw a significant improvement in their mental health-related quality of life and increased cognitive stimulation". With these findings, I'm ever more interested to see what other areas and context the use of video games will extend to.
One potential problem I can foresee involves finding a target population and persona. Since the Wii is so popular among a range of different age groups and personas, it would be difficult to focus on any specific one. Keeping the topic generalized to the entire population, however, would be too broad for the scope of this assignment. To simplify the research analysis, I am considering focusing on my own age group, as I have many friends who can serve as potential subjects in my research. As I conduct my initial research, I'm already finding myself caught up with future technologies and advancements in the new generation of gaming consoles. I do want to explore the future possibilities in this area, but I would like to focus more on the opportunities and experiences presently afforded by the console and thoroughly define "The Nintendo Wii experience". Hopefully, continued research will yield more insight on this matter.
One potential problem I can foresee involves finding a target population and persona. Since the Wii is so popular among a range of different age groups and personas, it would be difficult to focus on any specific one. Keeping the topic generalized to the entire population, however, would be too broad for the scope of this assignment. To simplify the research analysis, I am considering focusing on my own age group, as I have many friends who can serve as potential subjects in my research. As I conduct my initial research, I'm already finding myself caught up with future technologies and advancements in the new generation of gaming consoles. I do want to explore the future possibilities in this area, but I would like to focus more on the opportunities and experiences presently afforded by the console and thoroughly define "The Nintendo Wii experience". Hopefully, continued research will yield more insight on this matter.